Project: Building Community Capacity for Protection of Child Rights
Location: District in the North
Project: Building Community Capacity for Protection of Child Rights
Partner: Women’s Group
Goal of the Project
The partner is funded by SHE supporters and an ANCP (Australian and Non-profit Cooperating Program) grant through DFAT (Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade). The goal is to build community capacity for Child Rights protection and the empowerment of children.
Through dialogue, exchanging of views and training, this project will:
Benefit 961 children (up to 18 years old) and 1,000 parents, teachers, community members and local authorities,
Form voluntary Child Protection committees and Child Clubs to promote and enhance child and community participation,
Attain 60% of children enjoying improved educational success,
Reduce cases of child abuse by 60%,
See 70% of families able to send their children to school.
Progress Update (from July ’20 until June’21)
321 children from 6 villages attended orientation about Child Protection and project staff prepared materials such as hand sanitiser, masks and arranged for social distancing,
343 children participated in 3 peer-to-peer sessions, led by Child Champions,
179 people received capacity development training in Financial Management and Business,
Project staff trained in capacity building on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support,
The project celebrated the 32nd United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Day event in November.